MBC-UMRA Ride 05/16/2023 - Report

Post event report:

4 riders gathered at Silver Park on a warm and sunny afternoon to ride the Bitterroot Trail to Post Siding Rd., for a short stop at the Bella Vista Pavilion in the Fort Missoula Regional Park. Resumed the ride leaving Fort Missoula by way of Tower St. to a single track just north of the cemetery entrance, winding around the DNRC grounds and out onto Spurgin Rd. @ Hiberta. Continued north on Hiberta to 7th St. and follow the regular route to the Milwaukee Trail and return to Silver Park.

Statistics via Strava: Distance 9.56 mi, Moving time 1:00:24, Elevation change 103 ft, Average speed  9.5 mph

Pre-ride information:

Given the current long range weather forecast, Tuesday 5/16 looks to be a sunny afternoon with minimal likelihood of rain and wind 10-15 mpg. Any cancellation/postponement will be posted here and a cancellation email will be sent out not later than 11:00 AM the day of the ride, to all who have RSVP'd.

We will decide on a route as we gather. I will be at Silver Park by 1:15 to begin check-in of the riders for this seventh of this season's UMRA rides. We will try to leave Silver Park as soon after 1:30 PM as possible. To accommodate our retired riders who want to enjoy a slow paced ride we will be riding at a pace comfortable for our slowest riders. No one will be left behind. 

While this ride is targeted towards UM Retirees, it is open to all MBC members. Please remember that these will be slow to moderate pace and minimal elevation change. Please RSVP if you’re considering joining the ride so that you will be provided the leader's contact information and can be informed of any late-breaking changes (e.g., weather-related cancellation).

  • Ride name:  MBC UM Retirees Ride 5/16/2023
  • Date: May 16, 2023
  • Start time: 1:30 PM
  • Gathering place: Silver Park east parking lot near the ball park
  • Distance in miles: 11-12
  • Pace:  Slow to Moderate 9 - 12 MPH
  • Planned stops: Depending on route possible short stop at Bella Vista Pavilion in Fort Missoula
  • Leader: name - leader contact information will be provided in the autoresponse email you will receive after you RSVP below.

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  • Bob Wachtel
    published this page 2023-05-25 14:59:03 -0600