MBC RMRR Ride 5/11/2024 Blue Mt. to Frenchtown & return - Report

Post ride report:

The ride to Frenchtown and back was completed by a group of 4 riders, Al, Bob D., Carl, and Ken. Click photos to enlarge.


The ride was a total of 40.6 miles. The gravel sections on the ride were Deschamps Ln (2 miles) where we topped out with a grand vista of the Missoula Valley, Moccasin Ln (2.6 miles) was fast but a bit muddy on top with some gravel on bottom, and Loiselle Ln (1.5 miles) was super fast and fun. Ken and Al were introduced to using an alternating rider paceline by Carl and Bob while going into a naggy little headwind on return and learned to be 'smooth as silk' with their turns at the front of the group, enjoying the experience. Riders did stop at the Frenchtown Conoco for refreshments and a snack.

There will be a longer version this fall called "The Ride of Falling Leaves" in September or October 2024. Watch for the detailed announcement. It will be the same route going to Frenchtown, but then will head to Alberton via 6 Mile and Remount Road and down 9 Mile Road to frontage road to Alberton. It will proceed across the Bridge at Petty Creek turning on South Side dirt road to start area at Blue Mountain Parking Lot. It is approximately 70 miles total.


Photos by Carl.

  • Distance: 40.6 miles
  • Average speed 14.4 mph
  • Max speed:  34.9 mi/h
  • Moving Time: 2:48:09
  • Minimum Elevation: 3026 feet
  • Maximum Elevation: 3254 feet
  • Total climb: 806 feet
  • Total descent: 787 feet
  • An as ridden map is an overlay added to the map in a 3rd layer. Open the map legend to view the proposed route by checking the appropriate boxes.
  • As ridden map and statistics via Strava

Pre-ride information:

Given the current long range weather forecast for, Saturday, 5/11, with a high of 73 and 8% likelihood of precipitation, with winds NW at 10 MPH, this should be a good riding day. 

Rocky Mountain Roubaix Revisit Original Route (RMRRO) 5/11/24 Start Time: 10 am Starting Place : Blue Mountain Parking Lot (See Map below)

The Route is to Frenchtown and will return via old HW 12 to Big Flat and parking lot of start at Blue Mountain it 40 miles total. There are gravel stretches on the short option are Deschamps Ln (2 miles) , Moccasin Ln (2.6 miles), and Loiselle Ln (1.5 miles) on the way to Frenchtown. It will be all pavement on return from Frenchtown to start, down old Hwy 12 to Big Flat Rd and ending at Blue Mountain Parking Lot. See the map below.

If you have any suggestions for future rides, please let me know by entering it on the "Propose a Ride" page and indicate that you would like someone else to lead. Also, if you would be interested in leading or co-leading any of the future MBC-UMRA Tuesday rides, you can submit your interest on our "Propose a Ride" page.

Any cancellation/postponement of this ride will be posted here and a cancellation email will be sent out not later than 4:00 PM on Friday 5/10/2024, to all who have RSVP'd. Always dress appropriately for your comfort.

Please RSVP if you’re considering joining the ride so that you will be provided the leader's contact information and can be informed of any late-breaking changes (e.g., weather or smoke related cancellation).

  • Ride name:  Historic Rocky Mountain Roubaix Ride
  • Date: May 11, 2024
  • Start time: 10:00 AM
  • Gathering place: Blue Mountain Trail Head parking lot
  • Distance in miles: ~40
  • Pace: Moderate 12 - 15 MPH
  • Duration: 2.5 to 4 hours
  • Planned stops: Rest stop at the Frenchtown Conoco
  • Leader: name - leader contact information will be provided in the autoresponse email you will receive after you RSVP below.

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  • Robert Wachtel
    published this page 2024-05-28 09:12:33 -0600