Big Dipper to Dairy Queen 2021

Post event report:

Five cyclists rode this sometimes sunny afternoon from the Big Dipper Ice Cream shop on Higgins to the Dairy Queen on Higgins, a 3/4 mile direct distance covered in 1.5 hours over a 11.5 mile route. We explored some of the new or somewhat hidden features in and around Missoula. In spite of the recent melt there were several locations on the Milwaukee Trail the were well snow packed and/or icy. No-one had any significant issues but we were all cautious were it appeared particularly slick. We did not follow the pre-ride map but detoured at Post Siding Rd. and the Bitterroot Trail opting to head north on the Bitterroot Trail rather than exploring the South Hills Trail. When we reached the Mall we left the BT and followed Mary Ave. to Brooks St. Crossing Brooks we wound our way through the neighborhood to the relatively new trail along the south side of the Fairgrounds to South Ave then Bancroft St. and Strand to the DQ where we all enjoyed our reward of choice.

Bob Wachtel was leader with Arlen Hall, Shawn Decareaux, Dallas Cage, and Mandy Hale joining this early season ride.

Pre-ride information:

Now is the time to break out your favorite early season bike and ride with us as we explore some features of Missoula. Hopefully, the weather which has been encouraging biking, will hold or return for this easy, early season ride. In an effort to restore a previous tradition, we will gather at the Big Dipper on Higgins and ride mostly multi-use trails and bike lanes, with some short segments of residential streets.

If you would like a pre-ride ice cream at the Big Dipper, please arrive early so that we can begin the ride at 1:00 PM. If you plan to ride, please RSVP below. An RSVP will help the leader contact you if there are any late changes.

Rider requirements and responsibilities:

  • A helmet is required for all participants.
  • All participants will be asked to sign an acknowledgement of risk (once per calendar year).
  • All participants will check-in with the ride leader.
  • While we are riding as a group, each individual rider is responsible for complying with all traffic regulations as an independent vehicle operator.
  • Due to continuing COVID-19 considerations please bring a face mask for times when we may not be able to maintain safe distances. We will also be maintaining appropriate distances between riders during the ride.

See maps below for our intended route and 2nd choice if the weather shifts too much. Feel free to let me know if you have a preference between the options. Use the comment box below the RSVP.

  • Ride name:  Big Dipper to Dairy Queen ride
  • Date:  February 20, 2021
  • Start time:  1:00 PM
  • Gathering place:  Big Dipper Ice Cream, 631 S. Higgins
  • Distance in miles:  13.5
  • Duration in time:  approximately 2 hours
  • Pace:  Moderate 10 - 13 mph or your preferred pace
  • Planned stops: Big Dipper gathering and calorie intake if desired, Dairy Queen for after ride refreshment if desired.
  • Leader is: Bob Wachtel, email: [email protected], cell phone: 406-218-1132 

We invite anyone to join us and discover the joy of riding with a companionable group of like minded bicyclists. Due to insurance policy requirements, members can ride as often as they like and first time participants may either join or sign a waiver to participate in this ride. If you would like to continue riding with us during the 2021 biking season you must become a member.

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