Post event report:
7 riders gathered at Silver Park for a ride around our Fort Loop with a side trip to Kelly Island. This morning was a moderate though cool beginning with the temperature rising quite rapidly providing a comfortable morning for this ride. A friendly and comfortable ride for all.
Statistics from Strava: Distance: 13.19 mi, Moving time: 1:26:09, Elevation gain: 141 ft.
Pre-ride information:
Continuing summer season MBC-UMRA rides
Given the current long range weather forecast, Tuesday, 9/5, that looks to be continuation of summer weather with a high of 72. With that indication of probable temperature we will gather for a ride at 9:30 AM at Silver Park. Any cancellation/postponement will be posted here and a cancellation email will be sent out not later than 5:00 PM the evening before the ride, Monday 9/4, to all who have RSVP'd.
We will select a route as we gather at Silver Park. We will try to leave our assembly point as soon after 9:30 AM as possible. This will be a slow to moderate paced ride (9 to 12 mph on the flats). No one will be left behind.
While this ride is targeted towards UM Retirees, it is open to all MBC members. Please remember that this will be a slow to moderate pace and potential of moderate hills to climb and descend. Please RSVP if you’re considering joining the ride so that you will be provided the leader's contact information and can be informed of any late-breaking changes (e.g., weather or smoke related cancellation).
- Ride name: MBC UM Retirees Ride 9/5/2023
- Date: September 5, 2023
- Start time: 9:30 AM
- Gathering place: Silver Park east parking lot near the baseball stadium
- Distance in miles: 11-24
- Pace: Slow to Moderate 9 - 12 MPH
- Planned stops: Depends on route:
- Leader: name - leader contact information will be provided in the autoresponse email you will receive after you RSVP below.
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